10.Soldier´s Destiny (Soldatenschicksal)

Ein Krieg vor der eigenen Haustür verändert alles.
Ein Krieg, der Menschen betrifft, die nie dabei sein wollten.
Ein Krieg, in dem Menschen kämpfen, denen keine andere Wahl bleibt.
Ein Krieg, in dem Soldaten kämpfen, die nicht entkommen können.

Soldier`s Destiny

They´re drafted to fight, they´re fighting to death
Leaving all behind, complying their duty to those
Who have sent them and condemned them to death
A lonely fate – inescapable

The feeling when you passed
Could not have been worse
It went on for so long
Thought it would never end
Couldn`t get out, couldn`t get over it
The path of light was lost
The entrance out of reach
The walls impassable
The stone unbreakable
And nothing could change a thing about that

The mass grave on the hill, full of unfaced man
Lived differently, all died the same way
All forced to give their lives for the greater good
Were never asked if in line with their beliefs

The feeling when you passed
Could not have been worse
It went on for so long
Thought it would never end
Couldn`t get out, couldn`t get over it
The path of light was lost
The entrance out of reach
The walls impassable
The stone unbreakable
And nothing could change a thing about that